Low Stock Alert


Currently only works on parent products (not child variants)


Ensure your BigCommerce inventory settings are set to to show stock levels.

To do this:

  1. Go to Settings > Inventory
  2. Find "Stock level display"
  3. Set it to "Show stock levels" if not already set
  4. Click "Save"


What can I do if it is not showing?

  1. Verify that stock is set to display on your storefront (as noted in "Setup")
  2. Verify that the inventory is set at the product level

Where does it pull inventory levels from?

This widget uses the Storefront APIs to pull the inventory level directly from your product catalog for that particular channel.

Note: when in Page Builder the widget uses sample data (instead of a product’s actual inventory levels) to improve the configuration & styling experience. On your storefront, it will use actually inventory levels

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